1) what made this course different was that  we didn't use CANVAS. what i mean by that is like we are not forced to turn in work at a specific time and if we dont turn them in the assignment gets closed and you probably wont be abel to turn it in. 

2)what i found more meaning full to me was that you didnt give us a lot of work to wheres there's a couple assignments due and the good thing is you give us until friday at 5pm

3)im most proud of that i reached out for help and was able to catch up on how the class works and how it runs 

4)what i wished i would have done differently was that i would have reached out more earlyier so i would have not missed out on assignments that are worth a lot 

5)what i have learned for the future was that if you need some type of help reach out as soon as you can because when you might wanna reach out it can be late

6)i wasnt here for almost 2-4 months so i dont know what three literary i should put down


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